Did you know that $FINFO can return back user-defined variable?

A series of 99 $FINFO user-defined variables, from $INFO.V1 through $INFO.V99, are available for various purposes required by the developer. These variables are set to $NULL at the start of $FINFO look-ahead and can be assigned to any value (including a sequence), by macro processing while the $FNFO look-ahead is active. Once look-ahead is completed, these variables (all $INFO variables) become read-only.

Below is an example of its use.

Find information about a TAP Cycle in a program for Makino M135 code;

1) Write in the User Defined Syntax Macros

  • $INFO.V1=’ TAP ’

2) Write in Operation event macro or OPTYPE user defined macro

  • $$ clean previous spindle code of Tapping
  • IF/$INFO.V1.EQ.’TAP’
  • PPFUN/-18,3,OFF
  • OK=$FINFO()
  • IF/$INFO.V1.EQ.’TAP’
  • PPFUN/-18,3,’Ms3′,135

Benefit to User.
This gives more flexibility to the post-processor developer providing easy to use and efficient look ahead on many user defined variables.

For more information or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Phil at TechTipTuesday@fr.icam.com